The spring and summer of 2020 saw many challenges, but a lack of excellent geoscience content was not one of them!. The AGS webinar series brought together geoscientists from across Canada for 15 talks between April and October, 2020. Thanks to AGS President Dave Lentz for coordinating and all our wonderful speakers for presenting!
- “Greening of the Maritimes – The Energy Transition.” Presented by Professor Grant Wach, D.Phil., FGS, P. Geo. Thursday October 22th, 2:00pm NDT (1:30pm ADT), Hosted by Jared Butler & Anne Westhues (NL GAC) & Dave Lentz (AGS)
- “From slab melting to sulphide remobilization and everything in between: an overview of the evolution of the Ming VMS system.” Presented by Jean-Luc Pilote (GSC & MUN). Thursday October 08th, 2:00pm NDT (1:30pm ADT). Hosted by Jared Butler & Anne Westhues (NL GAC) & Dave Lentz (AGS)
- “Depositional efficiency of hydrothermal systems at the seafloor – implications for formation of VMS deposits.” Presented by John Jamieson (Memorial University). Thursday September 24th, 2:00pm NDT (1:30pm ADT). Hosted by Dave Lentz (AGS) & Anne Westhues (NL GAC)
- “The assembly of Pangea in the Cliffs of Fundy Geopark: faulting, magmatism, and mineralization”. Presented by Georgia Pe-Piper (SMU) & David Piper (BIO) Thursday September 10th, 2:00pm NDT (1:30pm ADT). Hosted by Dave Lentz (AGS) & Anne Westhues (NL GAC)
- “Green Point shale of Western Newfoundland: A review of the geology and hydrocarbon potential”. Presented by Alana Hinchey (GSNL). Thursday August 27th, 2:00pm NDT (1:30pm ADT)
- “Where Geology Meets Jurisprudence: Canada’s extended continental shelf mapping in the Atlantic”. Presented by David Cole Mosher (NRCan). Thursday August 13th, 1:30pm NDT (1:00pm ADT).
- “What can the chemistry of magnetite tell us about magnetite-apatite deposits?”. Presented by John Hanchar (MUN) (with F Tornos). Thursday July 30th, 1:30pm NDT (1:00pm ADT). For further information on John’s research:
- “More than just whales and a scenic drive! Cape Breton Island’s contribution to a more complete understanding of the Maritime Appalachians”. Presented by Deanne van Rooyen (Cape Breton University). Thursday July 16th, 2pm NDT (1:30pm ADT)
- “Hyperspectral imaging in Canadian mines – examples form the Highland Valley porphyry Cu and Canadian Malartic Au deposits”. Presented by Phil Lypaczewski from CONA. Thursday July 2nd, 2pm NDT (1:30pm ADT)
- “Glacial Mapping in Central-North Labrador”. Presented by Heather Campbell (Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador). Thursday June 19th, 2pm NDT (1:30pm ADT)
- “Gold Mining in Nova Scotia: Learning From the Past to Improve Future Environmental Performance”. For further information on Michael’s research: Presented by: Dr. Michael Parsons (GSC Atlantic). Thursday June 4th, 1:30pm ADT
- “A 500-year paleostorm record from Harvey Lake, New Brunswick: Implications for cyanobacteria bloom formation”. For further information on Tim’s research: Presented by Prof. R. Tim Patterson (Carleton U). Thursday May 21st, 1:30pm ADT
- “Petrology and geochronology of an inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia”. Presented by Dr. Travis McCarron (UNB). Thursday May 7th, 1:30pm ADT
- “Spatial and temporal correspondence of post-orogenic granites, intrusion-related polymetallic mineralization, and fault reactivation, Canadian Appalachians”. Presented by Dr. Dawn Kellett (GSC Atlantic). Thursday April 23rd, 1:30pm ADT
- “Evaporite tectonics in the Maritimes Basin: salt, subsidence, sinkholes”. Presented by Prof. John Waldron’s (University of Alberta) talk with Morgan Snyder (Acadia) and Alison Thomas (CBU). April 09, 2020 01:30pm AST