Loans & Grants

Does your group require a little extra money to get a project or event on the go? Does your project fall within the mandate of Atlantic Geoscience society (AGS)? If so, we may be able to provide you with that extra bit of funding you need! The Products Committee of the AGS is currently accepting loan or grant applications for projects that communicate ideas about the Earth and earth sciences.

Each year, the Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS) will consider requests for loans and/or grants for projects products, events, etc that can be used to help advance the goals of the society, namely: the communication of ideas and information about the Earth and earth science to both the professional geoscience community and the general public in Atlantic Canada and beyond.

AGS does not typically consider requests that are normally under the remit of research funding bodies (e.g. NSERC) and individual universities (e.g. prizes, awards, travel funds). All requests for loans and/or grants must adhere to the appropriate by-law (and associated appendix) of the society, By-law 44:

In accordance with the above, all applicants for loans and/or grants should complete and sign the following “Proposal for Funding” and submit it to the Products Committee of the Society (preferably electronically).


AGS Products Committee
c/o Rob Raeside
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Science
Acadia University
Wolfville, Nova Scotia,
Canada, B4P 2R6
phone: +1 902-585-1323

Download Application Form as Word Document or pdf

Products Committee Approved Funding

Ben Drew – 70 mineral kits for SW Nova schoolsOctober 2024$2260
Quartermain Earth Science Centre – bussing schools students to Mining WeekMay 2024$1000
Louise Leslie – NSCC Lunenburg field tripMarch 2024$465
Tim Fedak – Conservation of mapsOctober 2023$3500
AUGC 2023 – Memorial UniversityOctober 2023$919
Quartermain Earth Science Centre – EdGEO Teacher WorkshopsAugust 2023$1035
Louise Leslie – NSCC Lunenburg field tripMarch 2023$795
Tim Fedak – reprint of Samuel Gaskin posterFebruary 2023$960
Gary Blundell – sea change Exhibit, Saint John Arts Centre and PEI National Prk, 2024October 2022$1500
Quartermain Earth Science CafeOctober 2022$1797.04
AUGC 2022 (Acadia University)October 2022$1000
Nova Scotia Minerals and Gems brochure June 2022$5000 (Education Committee)
Dartmouth Urban GeoTourApril 2022$90
Printing of 1000 NB-PEI Journey Through Time mapsApril 2022$4887.50
Halifax 2022 Outreach WorkshopFebruary 2022$2530
AUGC 2021November 2021$1000
AGS Video committee – Arisaig and Joggins videosOctober 2021$1500
New Brunswick EdGeo workshopOctober 2021$1500
AUGC 2020 – UNBNovember 2020$1000
AGS Social Media communications (A Calder)Summer 2020$750
Gary Blundell – Art display on Geology of New BrunswickMarch 2020$1500
Return of Gensel Collection of Devonian plants to New Brunswick MuseumFebruary 2020$2500
Jason Loxton CBU – Panoramic cameraSeptember 2019$1250
Quartermain Earth Science Centre – EdGEO WorkshopAugust 2019$1000
AUGC 2019 – St. Francis Xavier UniversityJuly 2019$1000
Scott Sampson talk at Nova Scotia Museum, May 2019February 2019$500
Quartermain Earth Science Centre – Mary Anning and the Sea MonstersJanuary 2019$750
AUGC 2018 – Dalhousie UniversityOctober 2018$1000
Reprint – Nova Scotia Pebbles GuideJune 2018$3000
Abraham Gesner statue, Kings Co., NSJune 2018$5000
Joggins Fossil Centre 10th Anniversary Research Symposium materialsJune 2018$965
Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES): Geoscience and Canada bookletFebruary 2018$500
John Calder – Geological Evolution of PEISeptember 2017
AUGC – Memorial UniversitySeptember 2017
EdGeo – NB: sponsorship of Four Billion Years booksDecember 2016$1437.50
Travel expenses for keynote speaker C van Staal to colloquiumDecember 2016$800
AUGC 2016 – AcadiaOctober 2016$1000
Jurassic Park lecture and film at
Canadian Paleontological Congress, Sydney
August 2016$1800 (fee later waived by cinema)
Great Stone Chief (Robert Bell) book project – I Spooner et al.June 2016$4529 requested. To award funds as needed for the first $1000. Spent: $785.72 Kingston travel $552.00 Marcel Morin
Geology of NB & PEI guidebook – Martha HildJune 2016$2000
Fundy Geological Museum – Parrsboro Rock Shop projectApril 2016$5000
Stonehammer Geopark Grade IV brochuresSeptember 2015$10,000 denied, recommended reconsider in 2016
AUGC – St. MarysSeptember 2015$950
Geology of NB & PEI guidebook – Martha HildJune 2015$2000
Stonehammer Geopark Irving Nature Park and Fundy Trail Parkway brochure English version or French versionApril 2015$4000
Fossil Finders exhibit at Joggins Fossil CentreNovember 2014$5000
AUGC – UNBSeptember 2014$900
GAC-MAC Conference poster boardsMay 2014$4500
UNESCO Geoparks Conference, Saint JohnFebruary 2014$3000
Geology of Nova Scotia guidebook – Martha HildFebruary 2014$1000
Teachers workshop, GACMAC FrederictonSpring 2014$1500
AUGC – St.F.X.U.October 2013$750 – not requested
Joggins Fossil Centre grindstone exhibitJune 2013$1000
Stonehammer Geopark bridges and ferry brochureJune 2013$3000
Fluid Inclusion short course – speaker travel and materialsFebruary 2013$1000
AUGC DalhousieOctober 2012$750
Nova Scotia Museum – printing of Ice Age postersMarch 2011$450
Joggins Fossils Institute and BLBY series – dinosaur displayMarch 2011$4760