AGS Education Committee – Terms of Reference


That all residents of Atlantic Canada have an appreciation and understanding of the Earth Sciences as it relates to their lives and communities.


  1. To educate and support active geoscience literacy, active learning and citizen scientist opportunities within the Atlantic Provinces.
  2. To inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to develop a greater appreciation and understanding of our natural world as it relates to the Earth Sciences.
  3. To support learning opportunities for the general public and stakeholders at all levels.
  4. To foster and promote diversity, ethical science, and adaptation to climate change through effective education programs and media for the general-public, as well as students and teachers of all levels.

Composition of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall have a Chairperson, Minute Taker and Treasurer. 
  2. The Committee membership shall comprise at least three or more members of the Society and others as is required.  Two members of the Committee shall be members of AGS Council.
  3. The Committee is free to recruit specific expertise to advise the Committee, or address a specific situation, as required.  These persons shall serve as long as requested by the Committee, are not considered as formal members of the Committee and do not participate in final decision-making.
  4. Attendance and participation in the Committee is crucial to the success of the Committee.  Persons who miss three consecutive meetings without submitting their regrets prior to the meeting will be removed from the Committee.

Authority is derived from the AGS Constitution and By-Laws

(ii). AGS By-Laws related to AGS Education Committee from Website:

  1. The Education Committee shall comprise three or more members of the Society. The purpose of the Committee is to initiate, oversee, and deliver projects pertaining to the dissemination of geoscience knowledge to members of the members of the Society and to the public of the Atlantic region. (41, 42).
  2. At least two members of the Committee shall be members of Council, one of whom shall report directly to meetings of Council to inform them of all meetings and business undertaken by the Education Committee.
  3. Sales of Education Committee products are managed by the Education Committee, who shall submit reports of expenditures and revenues to Council.


The Committee meets as required.  Meetings may be held in person, on the phone or electronically. Voting may take place electronically so long as “Reply to All” is used and recorded by date and time.


One of the members of Council on the Committee or the Chairperson shall report directly to meetings of Council to inform them of all meetings and business undertaken by the Education Committee so long as the Committee stands.


The Committee strives to work within a consensus based decision-making model but Robert’s Rules of Order shall be applied where required.  Minutes of the meetings of the Committee shall be kept.  A quorum is required for decisions facing the Committee.  A quorum shall consist of six, four of whom are members of AGS, one other member, and the Chairperson or designate.


The Committee shall be disbanded when deemed appropriate by the Council or when it is recommended by the majority of Committee members.

Approved: February 1, 2021