We’re running the online poster session right in the Fourwaves so the first thing you should do is activate your Fourwaves account. You can do that from the main Fourwaves website or through the link that came in your registration email. You will need this account to access the presentations and the talks, and you can use it to edit your submission after you upload it.
For posters the best size is traditional poster size (about 1.2m by 0.9m), in any orientation. A little bit bigger or smaller is no problem. You should prepare it as normal in your favourite drafting program. The posters can only be uploaded as image files so please save as a jpeg, tiff, or png file. If you save it as a pdf first you can convert it to jpeg without losing image quality.
For uploading your posters you will need to go to Fourwaves and use the “Submission” tab. In there you will enter your contact information and materials. You need to upload your abstract as well, this will make it possible for your abstract to be linked to your poster so people can read it. Your upload options for the poster are: 1) required – poster (as image file), 2) optional – figures (any additional figures you want to share), and 3) optional – ppt slides (short presentation to explain your poster).
The links below will help if you are stuck at any point, contact me any time if you encounter difficulties!
The deadline for uploading your poster will be Thursday evening, February 10th, at which point the submission portal will close and you will no longer be able to edit your submission. This will give us time for troubleshooting and a practice session. You are of course welcome to upload things earlier. We will have a practice session Friday morning, February 11th, from 9 – 11am. Details will be on the Fourwaves schedule site when it opens. This will be a drop-inn session so you can do it any time and we will check the display of your posters, and do a practice session with the live chat.
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