AGS members participated in the 49th Annual Colloquium, held online on 3-5 February 2023, and organized by Denise Brushett, Lynn Dafoe, Rob Raeside, Deanne van Rooyen, and Chris White.
A final celebration and awards presentation was coordinated by AGS President Tracy Webb, where the various awards and student speaker and poster presenter winners were announced.
Gesner Medal, Distinguished Scientist Award
The Society’s Gesner Medal is made to a person who has developed and promoted the advancement of geoscience in the Atlantic Region in any field of geology. The 2023 medal was awarded to Dr. Prasanta Mukhopadhyay for his contributions to coal geology and petroleum basins in Atlantic Canada.
AGS president Tracy Webb presented the Gesner Medal and Plaque to Dr. Prasanta Mukhopadhyay at his home. Also present were Dalhousie Adjunct David Brown, former AGS president and Dalhousie Adjunct Tom Martel, former Gesner medalist Professor Emeritus Marcos Zentilli, former AGS president Grant Wach, and Mrs. Mukhopadhyay who hosted a lively luncheon in their home.
Laing Ferguson Distinguished Service Award
The Laing Ferguson Distinguished Service Award is given in recognition of exceptional and altruistic contributions to the Atlantic Geoscience Society and/or to foster public appreciation of Atlantic Geoscience over a long period of time. The 2023 award was made to Alan Ruffman for his commitment to the advancement of geoscience and engagement with the public.
Nelly Koziel Award
Nelly Koziel is given to a person who recently has made a significant contribution to geoscience, beyond the call of duty, in the Atlantic Provinces. The 2023 award was made to Rob Fensome and Graham Williams in recognition of their exemplary work on the second edition of The Last Billion Years, an AGS publication.
Student Speaker and Poster Presenter awards
As always, student talks and posters were an important aspect of the Colloquium, and judges had their work cut to select award winners among the 30 papers and 9 posters prepared by students at all levels from high school to PhD. Winners were:
- Rob Raeside Award, best undergraduate student poster: Monet Streit, Acadia University
- Rupert MacNeill Award, best undergraduate student paper: Michael LeBlanc, Saint Francis Xavier University
- Graham Williams Award, best graduate student poster: John Dooma, Saint Mary’s University
- Sandra Barr Award, best graduate student paper: Maureen Matthew, Dalhousie University
Thanks are expressed to all who participated in the Colloquium, as presenters, organizers or participants, and to the sponsors who helped to defray costs to participants: